
Fall Skincare: Exfoliation and Chemical Peels

: Fall Skincare: Exfoliation and Chemical Peels

Facial Skincare Treatments at The Park Medspa in Highland Park, NJ

The cold temps (and the wind, and winter weather in general) are one thing that can set your skin into a dry spiral, the heat indoors is another. Have you ever noticed that things get extra staticky in winter? It’s because everything is so dry. The heat that keeps you comfortable indoors also sucks all the moisture out of everything—including your skin.

So, what’s the solution? Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate!

What is a Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel is a skin exfoliation technique used to improve the appearance of the skin to a smoother and even texture.

Chemical peels are composed of Alpha Hydroxy/Beta Hydroxy acids that are applied to the skin that causes the dead or damaged skin cells to peel off. As a result, new and healthy skin cells are revealed (cell turnover) to the surface leaving your skin glowing.

Requesting a mild chemical peel can help heal your sun spots, freckles, and other pigmentation problems. Sun damage can also age your skin, causing fine lines and blotchiness. Some chemical peels can help ease your acne breakouts. They can also help reduce scarring from skin blemishes. Chemical peels unclog your pores and remove blackheads from the surface of your skin. At the same time, they’re also able to deposit ingredients into the skin that help your post-pimple marks fade away.

The levels of peeling experienced may differ depending upon skin type, resilience, type of peel and number of layers applied. Some may experience ‘sheeting (when large portions of the skin peel off at once), some may experience ‘flaking (when small pieces of skin peel off, similar to dry, winter skin or mild peeling after a sunburn) and others may experience exfoliation (at the cellular level) that is not visible.

We at The Park MedSpa use PCA and GlyMed Plus chemical peels. There is no downtime after the PCA peel. To help maximize your results, a post procedure regimen is recommended.

Read about our Chemical Peel Treatments here



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