Seasons change & so should your skin care routine

: Seasons change & so should your skin care routine

Skin care Treatment by The Park Medspa in Highland Park, NJ

Living in a climate with all 4 seasons can be tricky for managing the way it effects our skin

(Let’s explore together the way we can sustain a proper skincare routine in such temperamental conditions)

A general rule for keeping your skin at its optimum level is to (at-least) change up your sunscreen (SPF) and moisturizer twice a year.

Seasonal changes include:

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Weather
  • Sun exposure levels
  • Other environmental stressors

Since we are currently transitioning from Winter into Spring, this guide will focus on transforming your everyday practices to optimize benefits for warmer weather.

Switching up skincare products

One of the first thing you may want to consider is your facial cleanser.

(It is the first step of everyone’s daily skincare and one of the more important ones.)

As it starts warming up you may want to switch up facewash from the creamy heavier or exfoliating type to a lightweight breathable formula. Most cleansers that are thick in consistency are geared for winter dryness and ultimate hydration, something we don’t want to focus on in the hotter months.

Click me for the freshest cleanser!

Moisturizer is another important product to interchange between seasons.

Remember for winter we go heavy, now is the time to do the opposite! Aim for a lighter cream as the heating turns off and the humidity rises you’re skin will be less prone to drying out.

Click me to moisturize!

Just as the sunny days increase so should your SPF! Match how much sun exposure you’re getting with a higher spf sunscreen. And don’t forget to re-apply! (As well as keep some with you when going out.)

Click me for a sunscreen!

The warmer season means increased humidity and sun, making skin more prone to oiliness and clogged pores. Hence Exfoliators are still needed! Exfoliation is one of the most forgotten steps, but so so vital. Without it you are letting dead skin, dirt, and pollutants creep into your pores and sit atop your skin like a shadowy film.

Click me to exfoliate!

If you’re extra Oily

Incorporate clay masks which will draw in oils, empty pores, reduce chances of breakouts too and leave your skin fresh.

Click me for the perfect clay mask

Try a Facial Mist. Many people’s first instinct is to wipe away sweat or oily congestion with their hands or whatever piece of fabric is closest. This can introduce oils and bacteria which can wreak havoc on your skin. Face Mists cool the skin, eliminate excessive sweating, and help keep the skin clean and clear of harmful bacteria.

Fewer and lighter products for the changing season are key to combat increased sebum production and sweat, which if left unmanaged, are a recipe for breakouts.

(& don’t forget that the spf in your makeup is not enough!)



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